Stay in Beautiful Libby, Montana!
There are many different options for the traveler attending the Riverfront Blues Festival. Libby offers a variety of great places to stay and we offer an inexpensive campground complete with facilities and shuttle bus!
Camp at the J. Neils Campground
Only $15 for 1 Night or $25 for Friday and Saturday!
The beautiful J. Neils Park is located 1 mile from the Riverfront Blues Festival and allows for tent camping and self contained RV camping. There are no designated sites, just choose from the wide open picturesque space. Complete your experience at the Riverfront Blues Festival by staying with fellow attendees in a wonderful place surrounded by scenic mountain views! Harlow’s Bus Service will provide free bus shuttling between J. Neils Park and the Blues Festival throughout the event.
All the amenities are included in the camping price:
Venture Inn
43 US Highway 2 West
Libby, MT 59923
Country Inn
102 West 9th Street
Libby, MT 59923
(406) 293-2092

Evergreen Motel
808 Mineral Ave
Libby, MT 59923
(406) 293-4178

Sandman Motel
31901 US Highway 2
Libby, MT 59923
(406) 293-8831
Woodland RV Park
275 Woodland Road
Libby, MT 59923
(406) 293-8395
Koocanusa Resort
23911 US Hwy 37
Libby, MT 59923
(406) 293-7474
Two-Bit RV Park
716 US Highway 2 W
Libby, MT 59923
(406) 293-8323
US Forest Service Campgrounds
Kootenai National Forest
Libby, MT
(406) 293-6211
Get Your Tickets!
Make sure you reserve a place and save money by purchasing your tickets ahead of time. Tickets can be easily purchased online or at a local retailer!